Image illustrative de Dante's Cove
Image illustrative de Dante's Cove

Dante's Cove

This program is set in a small coastal town in Southern California and focuses on a group of attractive characters in their twenties – most of them skaters, surfers, and college students -- who live in an apartment complex on the beach called the Hotel Dante. The good-looking young residents are gay, lesbian, bi and ...

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Terminée Américaine 60 minutes
Drame, Fantastique, Drama here!, Pink TV 2005

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Image illustrative de l'épisode 1.02 - Then There Was Darkness

Then There Was Darkness

In part two of Dante’s Cove, we continue on our journey with the residents of the mysterious Hotel Dante. Ambrosius is doing all he can to influence Kevin and lure him to the dark side. He enlists the help of Cory to assist him as a minion to do his bidding. Meanwhile, Grace has been trying to work her way between Ambrosius and his menacing hold on the town. Van and Toby continue to work together to research the history of the Cove while trying to break the spell that seems to have a hold on Kevin. Will they be able to overpower Ambrosius before it’s too late?

Diffusion originale : 04 novembre 2005

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Diffusion française : 04 novembre 2005
Réalisat.eur.rice.s : Sam Irvin
Scénariste.s : Michael A. Costanza
Guest.s :

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