Image illustrative de Grounded for Life
Image illustrative de Grounded for Life

Grounded for Life

Parents à tout prix

Devenus parents très jeunes, Sean et Claudia doivent faire face à leurs responsabilités. Mais l'envie de tout envoyer valser les démange...

Terminée Américaine 25 minutes
Comédie, Comedy Fox, Comédie! 2001

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Image illustrative de l'épisode 5.10 - Tom Sawyer

Tom Sawyer

Lily becomes insecure when she learns that she's ""not school smart."" So when Brad snags an interview at Yale, she becomes jealous and connives to land her own interview. Sean takes a second job as a limo driver, to avoid doing work at home. Claudia tries to convince her neighbor, Arianna, that the Finnerty clan is not trash. Jimmy seeks advice from his uncle Eddie for his debut in the school production of Tom Sawyer.

Diffusion originale : 07 janvier 2005

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Diffusion française : 07 janvier 2005
Réalisat.eur.rice.s : John Blanchard
Scénariste.s : Chris Kelly
Guest.s : Chris Hogan , Dana Wheeler-Nicholson

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