Image illustrative de Homicide: Life On The Street
Image illustrative de Homicide: Life On The Street

Homicide: Life On The Street


Suivez les enquêtes d'un réalisme saisissant de la Brigade Criminelle de Baltimore... Une des meilleures séries policières des années 90, elle raconte l'histoire des inspecteurs de la Brigade Criminelle de Baltimore qui bossent pour boucler leurs enquêtes même si, comme dans la réalité, ils n'y arrivent pas ...

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Terminée Américaine 45 minutes
Policier, Drama NBC, Série Club 1993

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Image illustrative de l'épisode 6.08 - All is Bright

All is Bright

Ballard and Gharty investigate the death of a man at a laundromat. The Waterfront Bar gets ready for the Christmas holiday. Munch's ex-wife, Gwen, shows up; her mother (a literary critic and author) has died. Tim goes Christmas shopping and runs into Julianna; he invites her to come to the Waterfront's Christmas celebration. Ballard and Gharty interview the victim's girlfriend (as listed in his address book). Cox informs Ballard and Gharty that the victim was HIV positive and she also convinces Kellerman to tell Lewis and Stivers about the Mahoney videotape. Munch gets his brother to give Gwen a deal on her mother's funeral arrangements. The victim's mother knew about his HIV status and about a girlfriend he didn't use protection with, whose name didn't appear in the address book. Ballard and Gharty find this woman and find that she has full-blown, terminal AIDS, and they bring her in for questioning. Ballard feels the woman has suffered enough so she is reluctant to a get her confessi

Diffusion originale : 12 décembre 1997

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Diffusion française : 12 décembre 1997
Réalisat.eur.rice.s : Matt Reeves
Scénariste.s : James Yoshimura , Julie Martin , Rafael Alvarez
Guest.s : Carol Kane , Deena Lynn Rubinson , Erika Lynn Rupli , Joey Perillo , Kathryn Erbe , Peter Maas , Rahalen Nassri , Rhea Seehorn , Rhona Raher-Olefsky , Rosemary Polen

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