Image illustrative de Homicide: Life On The Street
Image illustrative de Homicide: Life On The Street

Homicide: Life On The Street


Suivez les enquêtes d'un réalisme saisissant de la Brigade Criminelle de Baltimore... Une des meilleures séries policières des années 90, elle raconte l'histoire des inspecteurs de la Brigade Criminelle de Baltimore qui bossent pour boucler leurs enquêtes même si, comme dans la réalité, ils n'y arrivent pas ...

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Terminée Américaine 45 minutes
Policier, Drama NBC, Série Club 1993

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Image illustrative de l'épisode 7.07 - Wanted: Dead or Alive (2)

Wanted: Dead or Alive (2)

Lewis is transported to the hospital, as is the passenger of the car that MGee hit. Gharty is worked up about women and finances, because he and Flora and their lawyers are going to be working out the financial details of their divorce. Gee & MGee are not interested in cooperating with the bounty hunters; however, Knoll is the only one who can get any information on the whereabouts of Errico from Errico's mother. She has promised to page Knoll when her son calls. (Joe Errico has gone south to Miami.) Knoll offers to pay the expenses of having homicide detectives go to Miami and work with him, but Gee declines that generous offer and sends his detectives separately. In Miami, Bayliss and MGee work with Knoll to capture Errico. Knoll offers to split the huge bounty with the homicide detectives, which they of course refuse. MGee decides that the best use for the bounty might be for the man whose wife had died from the injuries she sustained in the car accident.

Diffusion originale : 20 novembre 1998

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Diffusion française : 20 novembre 1998
Réalisat.eur.rice.s : Robert Harmon
Scénariste.s : Anya Epstein
Guest.s : Christopher Meloni , Conrad Karlson , Kris Arnold , Marilyn Bennett , Rico Rosetti , Steve Ryan

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