Image illustrative de House of Anubis
Image illustrative de House of Anubis

House of Anubis


Dans le pensionnat anglais Anubis, où vivent 9 étudiants, Joy disparait sans laisser de traces alors que la jeune américaine Nina arrive dans l’école. Patricia, qui doit maintenant partager sa chambre avec la nouvelle venue, pense que celle-ci à quelque chose à voir dans la disparition de sa meilleure amie.Bien ...

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Terminée Américaine 12 minutes
Enfants, Fantasy, Science-Fiction Nickelodeon, Nickelodeon 2011

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Image illustrative de l'épisode 1.14 - House of Intruders

House of Intruders

A jealous Mara sends untruthfully incriminating pictures of Mick and his new training partner, Esther (the health and physical education teacher of the school), to Mr Sweet, forcing Principal Sweet to sack the innocent teacher. After reading a book given to them by Fabian's Uncle Ade, the gang works out they could be searching for the Cup of Ankh, and they plot to steal the puzzle piece from Victor's safe. Then, during the opening scene of the school play, Patricia spots Joy in the audience. Patricia manages to decode her unusual good luck card - a secret message from Joy arranging to meet after the play. Whilst everyone is at the play, Nina attempts to break into Victor's safe to steal the puzzle piece back - she is scared when she hears Victor returning to the house.

Diffusion originale : 12 janvier 2011

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Diffusion française : 12 janvier 2011
Réalisat.eur.rice.s : Tom Poole
Scénariste.s : Diane Whitley
Guest.s : Francis Magee

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