House of Anubis
Dans le pensionnat anglais Anubis, où vivent 9 étudiants, Joy disparait sans laisser de traces alors que la jeune américaine Nina arrive dans l’école. Patricia, qui doit maintenant partager sa chambre avec la nouvelle venue, pense que celle-ci à quelque chose à voir dans la disparition de sa meilleure amie.Bien ...
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Terminée | Américaine | 12 minutes |
Enfants, Fantasy, Science-Fiction | Nickelodeon, Nickelodeon | 2011 |
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1.19 - House of Passages
House of Passages
The contest for School Representative heats up, with Mara running. Jerome asks Mara out, but gets rejected when he starts insulting Mick. The latest riddle leads Sibuna to the grandfather clock, but when they open it, it is found to be empty, making it seem like someone has already taken the puzzle piece. Alfie is still fishing around so the gang tells him he was right all along about aliens. Then, during a Sibuna meeting, Nina opens the 5th puzzle piece and a secret message appears on the wall of the house itself.
Diffusion originale : 14 janvier 2011
Diffusion française :
14 janvier 2011
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