Image illustrative de House of Anubis
Image illustrative de House of Anubis

House of Anubis


Dans le pensionnat anglais Anubis, où vivent 9 étudiants, Joy disparait sans laisser de traces alors que la jeune américaine Nina arrive dans l’école. Patricia, qui doit maintenant partager sa chambre avec la nouvelle venue, pense que celle-ci à quelque chose à voir dans la disparition de sa meilleure amie.Bien ...

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Terminée Américaine 12 minutes
Enfants, Fantasy, Science-Fiction Nickelodeon, Nickelodeon 2011

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Image illustrative de l'épisode 1.09 - House of Keys

House of Keys

Amber and Nina find a black cat which has escaped from the cellar. Amber pretends that she is sick and takes the day off school to look after it, but it disappears while she is asleep. Patricia persuades Nina to go and meet Rufus to show him the pendant but when they get to the meeting place they witness Victor kidnapping an apparently unconscious Rufus, which makes them suspicious. Sibuna lets Patricia in on the secret, and debates the possibility that Victor might be drinking an elixir that gives him eternal life. They decide to use the school play to try and expose Victor. After finding evidence of sinister experiments in the cellar, they turn to Trudy for help; she forces Victor to open the cellar only to reveal that he has moved everything. To the house's horror, Victor fires Trudy.

Diffusion originale : 02 janvier 2011

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Diffusion française : 02 janvier 2011
Réalisat.eur.rice.s : Angelo Abela
Scénariste.s : Diane Whitley
Guest.s : Francis Magee

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