Jane By Design
Jane By Design suit la double vie de Jane Quimby (Erica Dasher), une lycéenne pas très populaire, qui, suite à un quiproquo sur son âge, décroche un emploi d'assistante pour un haut cadre exerçant dans le monde impitoyable de la mode. Le rêve de sa vie semble se réaliser… et va se révéler plus difficile ...
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Terminée | Américaine | 60 minutes |
Drame, Comedy, Drama | ABC Family | 2012 |
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1.16 -
The Backup Dress
The Backup Dress
Jane and Billy volunteer in backstage work for the Cinderella play, starring Zoe and Nick. Kate gives away the dress that Jane made to Zoe, leaving Jane without a dress to wear for her first official date with Eli. Ben gets a chance to play a minor league baseball in Ohio. Jane and Eli's date gets a complicated, with the buyer of the dress made by Donovan Decker appearing in the same restaurant as Jane, with Jane wearing the same exact dress previously labeled as the "backup dress". Kate accepts Dakota's proposal and heads out to Colorado. Jane is left alone in the house since Ben and Kate went on their own journeys.
Diffusion originale : 17 juillet 2012
Diffusion française :
17 juillet 2012
Réalisat.eur.rice.s :
Scénariste.s :
Guest.s :