Avocat pénaliste, Cleaver Greene est téméraire, brillant, drôle, têtu et enclin à l’autodestruction… Sans parler de sa vie professionnelle, où il a une sérieuse tendance à choisir les causes perdues, et à défendre ceux qui sont indéfendables ! Il met son point d’honneur à prendre les conventions à ...
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Terminée | Australienne | 55 minutes |
Judiciaire, Comedy, Drama | ABC1, ABC (AU) | 2010 |
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1.06 -
R v Langhorn
R v Langhorn
Unable to resist her charms, Cleaver agrees to defend an old flame - now a successful radio shock jock Eddie Langhorn - who's charged with inciting racial hatred. Meanwhile, his tax case catches up with him and he's placed on remand. Then he learns his father has had a stroke. Scarlet, acting as prosecutor on the Langhorn case, is stumped by Cleaver's impressive defense, but Barney comes to her rescue. Cleaver despairs when he realizes his client has conned him but allows himself a glimmer of hope when Missy arrives unannounced once more. But she's come to tell him that she and David are getting married!
Diffusion originale : 09 décembre 2010
Diffusion française :
09 décembre 2010
Réalisat.eur.rice.s :
Scénariste.s :
Guest.s :