Avocat pénaliste, Cleaver Greene est téméraire, brillant, drôle, têtu et enclin à l’autodestruction… Sans parler de sa vie professionnelle, où il a une sérieuse tendance à choisir les causes perdues, et à défendre ceux qui sont indéfendables ! Il met son point d’honneur à prendre les conventions à ...
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Terminée | Australienne | 55 minutes |
Judiciaire, Comedy, Drama | ABC1, ABC (AU) | 2010 |
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2.05 -
R v Turner
R v Turner
Missy is on trial for murdering her fiancé. The only way Cleaver can save her is to expose the conspiracy by the security apparatus Joshua humiliated. Assisted by a mysterious smoking man, he follows the money trail to ASIO, the CIA and towards information that may bring down the international banking system and several governments. Kirsty is furious that Cleaver is spending so much time with Missy, but when Col threatens to express that disapproval in the usual manner, Cleaver recognises that Col has a secret. Delirious after a mosquito-induced broken arm, Barney confesses to Scarlet that he has met someone else. Hurt and confused, Scarlet allows an innocent lunch with Harry-Sorry-David to progress down a primrose path that, with some help from Cal McGregor, will lead to perdition. Can Cleaver maintain professional standards long enough to have Missy acquitted? Will ASIO and the CIA allow him to win?
Diffusion originale : 04 octobre 2012
Diffusion française :
04 octobre 2012
Réalisat.eur.rice.s :
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Guest.s :