Avocat pénaliste, Cleaver Greene est téméraire, brillant, drôle, têtu et enclin à l’autodestruction… Sans parler de sa vie professionnelle, où il a une sérieuse tendance à choisir les causes perdues, et à défendre ceux qui sont indéfendables ! Il met son point d’honneur à prendre les conventions à ...
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Terminée | Australienne | 55 minutes |
Judiciaire, Comedy, Drama | ABC1, ABC (AU) | 2010 |
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2.06 -
R v Alford
R v Alford
When a piercing scream splits the dawn silence of a leafy, suburban arcadia Cleaver and Barney are soon defending an IT lecturer accused of severing his neighbour's penis with garden shears. Cleaver and Barney wade into the unfamiliar swamp of Rotarians, golf and backyard barbecues to uncover the truth behind the 'bobbitting'. Barney and Nicole have failed in their attempts to end their affair, despite Nicole's approaching wedding. And even incurious Cleaver works out that the emotional rollercoasters of both Nicole and Barney are moving in sync. Only one thing could worsen their situation... Cleaver deciding to help. Wendy is falling for Roger, the husband of Fuzz's ex-lover, while Fuzz has a surprise new girlfriend. When Cleaver attempts to cure Missy's depression at a dinner with his family, he ends up being everyone's target. Scarlet and David are firmly on Cal McGregor's hook, but David's colleagues push him to sacrifice Scarlet to save himself. Poised between political oblivion and the dangled promise of the Opposition leadership, David, typically, prevaricates. Cal will happily fire a bullet at Scarlet in the hope it also takes out David, even better if he can wing Cleaver too. Scarlet realises there is only one lawyer devious and unethical enough to get her out from under the sword of Damocles.
Diffusion originale : 11 octobre 2012
Diffusion française :
11 octobre 2012
Réalisat.eur.rice.s :
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