Avocat pénaliste, Cleaver Greene est téméraire, brillant, drôle, têtu et enclin à l’autodestruction… Sans parler de sa vie professionnelle, où il a une sérieuse tendance à choisir les causes perdues, et à défendre ceux qui sont indéfendables ! Il met son point d’honneur à prendre les conventions à ...
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Terminée | Australienne | 55 minutes |
Judiciaire, Comedy, Drama | ABC1, ABC (AU) | 2010 |
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R v Greene
R v Greene
Cleaver is in prison, charged with the manslaughter of Lane Hole's sweet, elderly neighbour. He is bailed out by Missy, flush with funds since optioning the rights to her story to Hollywood. Polly Nesbitt moves on him, but has her own agenda. Kirsty will allow Cleaver to retain his extremities, if she and Col are not implicated in his trial and he pays every last cent he owes, now. Barney warns Cleaver that he will go down for manslaughter but advises he is likely to beat a murder charge. Cleaver goads Cal McGregor into having the charge upgraded, but Cal didn't get to be Attorney-General without a few devious tricks of his own. Cleaver will need the help of all his friends and several enemies if he is to escape a hefty stretch behind bars.
Diffusion originale : 25 octobre 2012
Diffusion française :
25 octobre 2012
Réalisat.eur.rice.s :
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