Les dilemmes et le quotidien mouvementé de "barristers" exerçant dans un cabinet de Londres. Parmi ces avocats plaidants britanniques, certains tentent d'être nommés Conseils de la Reine... Martha Costello est l'une d'elles. Motivée, passionnée, elle est au coude à coude avec Clive Reader, brillant avocat prêt ...
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Terminée | Anglaise | 60 minutes |
Judiciaire, Drama | BBC One | 2011 |
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2.03 -
In the Family Way
In the Family Way
Clive is in Oxford, prosecuting three students accused of sexually assaulting a waitress. Up against an intimidating defence counsel, Clive begins to waver, but a chance encounter with an old friend helps him discover a passion for prosecuting he did not know he had. When the case is in danger of collapsing, Clive is faced with one of the biggest decisions of his career. Meanwhile, Martha is defending Ricky Armitage, who trashed his local mini-mart and attacked the shopkeeper. His level of violence and lack of remorse is astounding, yet Martha tries to divert the self-destructive path that Ricky was fated to walk.
Diffusion originale : 29 mai 2012
Diffusion française :
29 mai 2012
Réalisat.eur.rice.s :
Alice Troughton
Scénariste.s :
Peter Moffat
Guest.s :