Les dilemmes et le quotidien mouvementé de "barristers" exerçant dans un cabinet de Londres. Parmi ces avocats plaidants britanniques, certains tentent d'être nommés Conseils de la Reine... Martha Costello est l'une d'elles. Motivée, passionnée, elle est au coude à coude avec Clive Reader, brillant avocat prêt ...
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Terminée | Anglaise | 60 minutes |
Judiciaire, Drama | BBC One | 2011 |
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3.02 -
Big Fish, Small Pond
Big Fish, Small Pond
Delving into the murky world of professional football, Martha must put her feelings aside to defend a footballer accused of a pitch assault on another player. With the incident witnessed by tens of thousands of football fans, it seems Martha is facing an impossible task. With her client reluctant to co-operate and help his defence, Martha must gain his trust to discover a secret he is determined to keep hidden from the football world. Up against Clive in court, can Martha convince her client to help himself? Meanwhile, a resignation shocks chambers and Billy begins to take steps to ensure the future of Shoe Lane - with or without him.
Diffusion originale : 03 mars 2014
Diffusion française :
03 mars 2014
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