Les dilemmes et le quotidien mouvementé de "barristers" exerçant dans un cabinet de Londres. Parmi ces avocats plaidants britanniques, certains tentent d'être nommés Conseils de la Reine... Martha Costello est l'une d'elles. Motivée, passionnée, elle est au coude à coude avec Clive Reader, brillant avocat prêt ...
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Terminée | Anglaise | 60 minutes |
Judiciaire, Drama | BBC One | 2011 |
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3.03 -
Heavy Metal
Heavy Metal
Battle lines are drawn when Martha and Clive find themselves on opposing sides in a high-profile case of assisted suicide. A mother is accused of helping her severely paralysed daughter to die and Martha must fight to defend her client in a test case amidst the moral arguments that surround such a contentious subject. As Clive and Martha represent either side of this fractured family, tensions between them rise to the surface that threatens their own relationship. Elsewhere in Shoe Lane, with the resignation of the head of chambers, an opportunity for one of the Silks to lead the march into the future arises. Meanwhile, Billy's position becomes ever more compromised when a misinterpreted action causes confusion and upset amongst one of Shoe Lane's newest members.
Diffusion originale : 10 mars 2014
Diffusion française :
10 mars 2014
Réalisat.eur.rice.s :
Scénariste.s :
Guest.s :