Les dilemmes et le quotidien mouvementé de "barristers" exerçant dans un cabinet de Londres. Parmi ces avocats plaidants britanniques, certains tentent d'être nommés Conseils de la Reine... Martha Costello est l'une d'elles. Motivée, passionnée, elle est au coude à coude avec Clive Reader, brillant avocat prêt ...
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Terminée | Anglaise | 60 minutes |
Judiciaire, Drama | BBC One | 2011 |
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3.05 -
The Real McCoy (Part 1)
The Real McCoy (Part 1)
Martha has to put her personal feelings aside when she is asked to defend a close friend from her past. Is she strong enough to ask him the tough questions in order to do her job properly? The evidence against him in the case of a gangland execution is overwhelming. Fingerprints and CCTV put Martha's friend firmly at the scene of the crime, but is it all too convenient? With Clive at her side and CW prosecuting, the stakes are high for everyone. How close were Martha and Sean when they were young, and what are their feelings for each other now? Billy is shocked when a corrupt solicitor turned supergrass from Shoe Lane's past appears to ask for redemption. Meanwhile, battle lines are drawn in chambers as they gear up to an internal tribunal that polarises opinion and Martha begs Billy to tell the truth.
Diffusion originale : 24 mars 2014
Diffusion française :
24 mars 2014
Réalisat.eur.rice.s :
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Guest.s :