Image illustrative de Sirens (2011)
Image illustrative de Sirens (2011)

Sirens (2011)

Channel 4 comedy-drama set in Leeds about a team of world-weary paramedics who are forced to confront the dregs of society - not to mention their own inadequacies.

Terminée Anglaise 60 minutes
Comédie, Comedy, Drama Channel 4 2011

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Image illustrative de l'épisode 1.01 - Up, Horny, Down

Up, Horny, Down

The team attend a major road traffic collision where Stuart takes the radical decision to give an open-heart massage to jump-start a woman's heart. Back at A&E the lads feel the effects of the shock and adrenaline and are forced to see the hospital counsellor. Attractive new counsellor Kirsty, played by Morven Christie, advises them that they'll start out feeling fairly euphoric, may grow restless, but ultimately become depressed. Stuart gives his own take on this, and then pledges to control his predicted mood swings, but will he succeed?

Diffusion originale : 27 juin 2011

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Diffusion française : 27 juin 2011
Réalisat.eur.rice.s : Victor Buhler
Scénariste.s : Tony Basgallop
Guest.s :

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