Image illustrative de Sirens (2011)
Image illustrative de Sirens (2011)

Sirens (2011)

Channel 4 comedy-drama set in Leeds about a team of world-weary paramedics who are forced to confront the dregs of society - not to mention their own inadequacies.

Terminée Anglaise 60 minutes
Comédie, Comedy, Drama Channel 4 2011

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Image illustrative de l'épisode 1.06 - Cry


Stuart is hit hard by a life-or-death situation and he needs help from somebody to see him through it. With Maxine pre-occupied with fireman Craig, there is nobody he can turn to. Rachid's future on the team is put in doubt. Ashley is surprised to discover that he has suddenly gained a live-in boyfriend.

Diffusion originale : 01 août 2011

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Diffusion française : 01 août 2011
Réalisat.eur.rice.s :
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