Image illustrative de The Assets
Image illustrative de The Assets

The Assets

Deux agents de la CIA traquent l'un des plus célèbres traîtres de l'Histoire des Etats-Unis en 1985.

Terminée Américaine 45 minutes
Thriller, Mini-Series ABC, ABC (US) 2014

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Image illustrative de l'épisode 1.02 - Jewel in the Crown

Jewel in the Crown

The CIA scores a major break when Vitaly Yurchenko, a high-ranking KGB officer, defects to the US. Assigned as the lead in the debriefing, Aldrich Ames engages in a verbal cat-and-mouse game to determine whether he is in danger of being ratted out. Ames considers taking drastic measures when Yurchenko reveals that he knows of a mole in the CIA. Meanwhile, Sandy frets over the safety of a beloved and esteemed asset, General Dmitri Polyakov.

Diffusion originale : 09 janvier 2014

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Diffusion française : 09 janvier 2014
Réalisat.eur.rice.s : Jeff T. Thomas
Scénariste.s : Andrew Chapman
Guest.s :

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