Image illustrative de The Oath
Image illustrative de The Oath

The Oath

Explores a world of gangs made up of those sworn to protect, defend and shed light on corrupt and secret societies.

Terminée Américaine 60 minutes
Drame, Policier, Crime, Drama Sony Crackle 2018

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Image illustrative de l'épisode 2.03 - Mano


The Ravens are left reeling from a failed stash house robbery that has the Cartel out for blood. Cole and Christine learn of a turf war heating up on their patrol streets. Steve wrestles with how to silence Agent Price before her testimony at the Police Commission.

Diffusion originale : 21 février 2019

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Diffusion française : 21 février 2019
Réalisat.eur.rice.s : Kevin Connolly
Scénariste.s : Kathy McCormick
Guest.s :

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