Image illustrative de The Secrets
Image illustrative de The Secrets

The Secrets

Series of stand-alone dramas. Each story explores the links, pressures and expectations that draw people together and tear them apart.

Terminée Anglaise 30 minutes
Drame, Drama, Mini-Series BBC One 2014

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Image illustrative de l'épisode 1.02 - The Conversation

The Conversation

On the eve of their wedding, Tom confesses to his fiancee Charlotte that he was once accused of raping an ex-girlfriend - a case that went to court but was eventually dropped. Although she stands by her man, she soon finds her doubts growing. With the ceremony just hours away, can she bring herself to marry him? Sarah Solemani and Rupert Evans star.

Diffusion originale : 08 septembre 2014

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Diffusion française : 08 septembre 2014
Réalisat.eur.rice.s : Dominic Savage
Scénariste.s :
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29 nov. 2014

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