The Seven Deadly Sins
Dans le pays de Britannia, les Chevaliers Sacrés, des soldats aux pouvoirs terrifiants au service de la couronne, viennent de trahir et renverser le roi. Elizabeth Liones, la 3e fille du roi, réussit à s’enfuir et part chercher de l'aide. Son seul espoir est la compagnie des Seven Deadly Sins, un groupe de sept ...
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Terminée | Japonaise | 24 minutes |
Action, Adventure, Animation, Anime, Fantasy | MBS, TV Tokyo | 2014 |
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4.05 -
Un coup douloureux
A Sorrowful Blow
The Truth Revealed by Gowther-3000 years ago, the magician Gowther used a forbidden curse to alter the memory of the Four Archangels Mael and the perceptions of everyone who knew the man to end the holy war. It was that. The Ten Commandments Estarossa did not exist, and that man was Mael, the Four Archangels. Why did the magician Gowther use a forbidden curse? The thoughts spoken by his mouth were far from understandable to Mael, and his revenge was sharply directed at Gowther.
Diffusion originale : 10 février 2021
Diffusion française :
10 février 2021
Réalisat.eur.rice.s :
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Guest.s :