Image illustrative de The Straits
Image illustrative de The Straits

The Straits

Set among the turquoise waters of Australia's Torres Strait, The Straits follows the life of a criminal family as they smuggle drugs into Australia and exotic wildlife out through blood ties in the Torres Strait Islands.

Terminée Australienne 60 minutes
Drame, Drama ABC1, ABC (AU) 2012

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1.10 - Fatherhood


Harry arrives in the Straits to find that Kitty and Noel have arranged a dangerous appointment and that his two younger sons are facing their own existential crises. Back in Cairns, Sissi prepares to flee with Thomson.

Diffusion originale : 29 mars 2012

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Diffusion française : 29 mars 2012
Réalisat.eur.rice.s :
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