Image illustrative de The Wonder Years
Image illustrative de The Wonder Years

The Wonder Years

Les Années coup de coeur

Adulte, Kevin Arnold se remémore son enfance puis son adolescence dans une banlieue américaine à la fin des années 60. Si les multiples bouleversements que traverse le pays son présents en toile de fond (la guerre du Viêtnam, le mouvement hippie, le Watergate, les Beatles...), la série est avant tout la ...

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Terminée Américaine 25 minutes
Comédie dramatique, Comedy, Drama, Family ABC (US), M6 1988

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Image illustrative de l'épisode 3.11 - Don't You Know Anything About Women?

Don't You Know Anything About Women?

Kevin wants to take Susan Fisher to the dance, but she has a boyfriend, Donald Wallach. However, he hears rumors that they have broken up, so he's about to ask her until Donald interferes. Linda Sloan, his lab partner, suggests that they go as friends so they do. They have a good time in the beginning, but it turns sour when while Linda is dancing with Steve Padway, Kevin dances with Susan and they have punch. How is it bad? Susan leaves and Linda comes back and asks if they half-filled cup of punch that Susan left is for her, but Kevin says that it's Susan's in a not-so-nice sort of way. That basically breaks Linda's heart and she leaves. Kevin is about to ask Susan to dance again but she's dancing with Donald, so Kevin leaves, not knowing that Winnie came in, probably looking for him.

Diffusion originale : 16 janvier 1990

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Diffusion française : 16 janvier 1990
Réalisat.eur.rice.s : Jeff Brown
Scénariste.s : Tammy Ader
Guest.s : Andy Howard , Elyse Eberstein , Kelly Packard , Maia Brewton , Sean Wohland

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