Top of the Lake
Top of The Lake explore les enquêtes de la détective Robin Griffin, spécialisée dans les crimes et les agressions sexuelles. Des enquêtes délicates qui l'amènent sans cesse à tester ses limites et ses propres émotions.
Terminée | Anglaise | 57 minutes |
Drame, Policier, Crime, Drama, Suspense | Sundance Channel, BBC Two | 2013 |
2 avis favorable
1 avis neutre
0 avis défavorable
1.04 -
A Rainbow Above Us
A Rainbow Above Us
A violent incident raises questions about Robin’s future with the local police, but she won’t let go of the case. She locates a friend of Tui’s who refuses to speak a word to anyone. He is accused of disrespect, but Robin believes there are deeper motives at play. His silence may hold a clue to Tui’s disappearance and she’s determined to earn his trust. Robin is also contacted by a pathologist who has investigated several cases for the local police. He tells Robin about additional evidence with potentially powerful implications, and she finds herself ever more committed to getting to the bottom of Tui’s case. At the same time, she begins to exhume long-buried memories with Johnno. He hints at a tragic secret from their past that could threaten the future of their relationship and her work on the case.
Diffusion originale : 03 août 2013
Diffusion française :
03 août 2013
Réalisat.eur.rice.s :
Garth Davis
Jane Campion
Scénariste.s :
Gerard Lee
Jane Campion
Guest.s :
Gros manque de finesse dans cet épisode qui sort ses gros sabots et montre de gros problèmes d'équilibre dans la gestion des différentes intrigues. C'est toujours joli et élégant, mais le show prend une direction un rien putassière qui m'énerve un peu.