Being Mary Jane
Mary Jane Paul is a one-woman-show: a successful TV news anchor, and an entirely self-sufficient powerhouse who remains devoted to a family that doesn't share her motivation. Intense drama and unforgettable moments unfold as Mary Jane juggles her life, her relationships, her work, and commitments to her family.
Terminée | Américaine | 45 minutes |
Comédie dramatique, Drama | BET | 2013 |
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Liste des épisodes
Episode 3.01
Facing Fears
Episode 3.02
Louie, Louie
Episode 3.03
Episode 3.04
Being Kara
Episode 3.05
Hot Seat
Episode 3.06
Don't Call It a Comeback
Episode 3.07
If the Shoe Fits...
Episode 3.08
Wake Up Call
Episode 3.09
Purging and Cleansing
Episode 3.10
Some Things Are Black and White