Image illustrative de How to Live with Your Parents
Image illustrative de How to Live with Your Parents

How to Live with Your Parents

Divorcée depuis presqu'un an, Polly a du mal à subvenir aux besoins de sa fille dans la conjoncture économique actuelle. Pour limiter les dégâts, elle emménage avec Natalie chez ses parents, en se convainquant que la situation est temporaire. Se confrontent alors deux visions opposées de la vie. Face à Polly ...

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Terminée Américaine 25 minutes
Comédie, Comedy ABC, ABC (US) 2013

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Liste des épisodes

Episode 1.02
How to Get Off the Couch
Episode 1.03
How to Live With the Academy Awards Party
Episode 1.04
How to Not Screw Up Your Kid
Episode 1.05
How to Run the Show
Episode 1.06
How to Fix Up Your Ex
Episode 1.07
How to Stand on Your Own Two Feet
Episode 1.08
How to Live With Your Parents for the Rest of Your Life
Episode 1.09
How to Get Involved
Episode 1.10
How to Have a Play Date
Episode 1.11
How to Not Waste Money
Episode 1.12
How to Help the Needy
Episode 1.13
How to Be Gifted