Image illustrative de Web Therapy (2011)
Image illustrative de Web Therapy (2011)

Web Therapy (2011)

Web Therapy

La psychothérapeute Fiona Wallice mène des sessions de trois minutes via Internet pour venir en aide à ses clients.

Terminée Américaine 30 minutes
Websérie, Comedy Showtime 2011

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Avis sur l'épisode 4.10

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Liste des épisodes

Episode 4.01
Call in the Light
Episode 4.02
Arguing in Agreement
Episode 4.03
Trust Exercise
Episode 4.04
Smile Through the Pain
Episode 4.05
In Angus We Trust
Episode 4.06
Charity Galore
Episode 4.07
Drink to Forget
Episode 4.08
Lost on the Young
Episode 4.09
Judicial Oversight
Episode 4.10
Lies and Alibis
Episode 4.11
No Stranger to Scandal
Episode 4.12
Fiona Fulfilled