1600 Penn
The Gilchrists are just the average American family dealing with all the everyday issues, like a grown kid who's forced to move back home, teenagers who are smarter than their teachers and a stepmom (Jenna Elfman) desperately trying to win over the kids. They're loving, fun and a little crazy. In other words, just like ...
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Terminée | Américaine | 25 minutes |
Comédie, Comedy | NBC | 2012 |
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1.07 -
To the Ranch
To the Ranch
When unable to make a decision about who to nominate to the Supreme Court, President Dale Gilchrist decides to take a family trip to their ranch to clear his head. During their getaway, Skip finds himself moping over his failed relationship, while Becca contemplates major flaws in her own relationship. Meanwhile, Emily attempts to spend some quality time with Marigold and Xander, who both struggle with their loss of technology while at the ranch.
Diffusion originale : 28 février 2013
Diffusion française :
28 février 2013
Réalisat.eur.rice.s :
Ken Whittingham
Scénariste.s :
Bridget Bedard
Guest.s :