32 Brinkburn Street
Drama series moving between the lives, loves and lies of two generations of the same family who live at 32 Brinkburn Street in 1931 and 2011. In 1931, Walter Ogilvie’s gambling addiction leads to trouble when he is pursued by a debt-collecting gang, and wife Gracie takes in a mysterious lodger to make ends meet. In ...
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Terminée | Anglaise | 45 minutes |
Drame, Drama | BBC One | 2011 |
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1.05 - Episode 5
Episode 5
Poppy's safe return sparks a full-scale row, Frank makes two big announcements after helping Joy by offering her a way back home to Nigeria and Nick prepares to carry out some DIY on the attic wall. Back in 1931, Walter unsuccessfully attempts to hide Billy's body, and is reunited with Gracie and Elizabeth as they make a fresh start to family life.
Diffusion originale : 01 avril 2011
Diffusion française :
01 avril 2011
Réalisat.eur.rice.s :
Daniel Wilson
Scénariste.s :
Karen Laws
Guest.s :