Image illustrative de Blackstone
Image illustrative de Blackstone


Intense, compelling and confrontational, Blackstone is an unmuted exploration of First Nations’ power and politics, unfolding over nine one-hour episodes. This raw, authentic drama tells the story of the fictional Blackstone First Nation, suffering disintegration by its own hand – the result of the corruption of ...

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Terminée Canadienne 60 minutes
Drame, Drama Showcase, Showcase (CA) 2011

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Image illustrative de l'épisode 2.02 - By Their Sins

By Their Sins

The police arrive on Andy’s doorstep with questions about a missing woman; meanwhile, Child Services visits Blackstone.

Diffusion originale : 18 janvier 2012

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Diffusion française : 18 janvier 2012
Réalisat.eur.rice.s : Ron E. Scott
Scénariste.s :
Guest.s :

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