Image illustrative de Growing Up Fisher
Image illustrative de Growing Up Fisher

Growing Up Fisher

Mel Fisher is no stranger to overcoming hardships -- he has never let blindness hold him back -- so when he and wife Joyce divorce, family members rally and use the transition as an opportunity to learn more about themselves and grow closer. Joyce takes the freedom of the split as a chance to revisit her youth, ...

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Terminée Américaine 25 minutes
Comédie, Comedy, Family NBC 2014

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Image illustrative de l'épisode 1.10 - First Time's the Charm

First Time's the Charm

Joyce finds out Katie has big plans for after the Spring Formal with her boyfriend, Anthony. In order to confirm what she thinks, however, Joyce has to promise Katie she'll keep her secret from Mel. Meanwhile, Mel has one final chance to have a successful first date with Allison and has promised to make her dinner. The only problem is that he has no clue how to cook. With both parents distracted, Runyen points out that Henry can get away with anything and should milk it for all it's worth.

Diffusion originale : 29 avril 2014

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Diffusion française : 29 avril 2014
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