Image illustrative de Growing Up Fisher
Image illustrative de Growing Up Fisher

Growing Up Fisher

Mel Fisher is no stranger to overcoming hardships -- he has never let blindness hold him back -- so when he and wife Joyce divorce, family members rally and use the transition as an opportunity to learn more about themselves and grow closer. Joyce takes the freedom of the split as a chance to revisit her youth, ...

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Terminée Américaine 25 minutes
Comédie, Comedy, Family NBC 2014

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Image illustrative de l'épisode 1.11 - Secret Lives of Fishers

Secret Lives of Fishers

Stress gets the better of Mel, causing him back problems. Not wanting the family to worry about him, Mel discovers that sneaking into Joyce's when no one's home to take bubble baths is just the remedy to unwind and cure his aches. Meanwhile, when Joyce gets straight A's in her grad school classes, she sees her future as a therapist set in stone and panics. However, she can't work up the nerve to tell her family she wants to pursue a different career path. Also, despite being told she can't get a part-time job, Katie secretly starts working at the yogurt shop managed by her boyfriend, only to learn that work and love don't swirl. And Henry, with Runyen as his trainer, secretly prepares to fight a bully.

Diffusion originale : 06 mai 2014

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Diffusion française : 06 mai 2014
Réalisat.eur.rice.s :
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