Image illustrative de Homicide: Life On The Street
Image illustrative de Homicide: Life On The Street

Homicide: Life On The Street


Suivez les enquêtes d'un réalisme saisissant de la Brigade Criminelle de Baltimore... Une des meilleures séries policières des années 90, elle raconte l'histoire des inspecteurs de la Brigade Criminelle de Baltimore qui bossent pour boucler leurs enquêtes même si, comme dans la réalité, ils n'y arrivent pas ...

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Terminée Américaine 45 minutes
Policier, Drama NBC, Série Club 1993

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Image illustrative de l'épisode 6.16 - Mercy


Homicide is called in when a woman is distressed at the fact the Dr. Turner helped her brother stop suffering from his colon cancer by injecting him with a lethal dose of morphine. Other members of her family were comfortable with the way he died. Pembleton and Bayliss investigate the issue of murder or mercy. Ballard and Gharty spot their city goats at a shopping mall, where Gharty was using Ballard as a consultant in his purchase of a gift. Stivers and Falsone catch a case where a schoolgirl and the owner of a pizza parlor are murdered during the holdup of the pizza parlor. Kellerman confronts Judge Gibbons and tapes their conversation about his ruling in making the wrongful death suit a jury case. Ballard and Gharty round up their city goats after they confront their mother. Gee warns the rookie homicide detectives, Stivers and Falsone about the baggage that comes with working their first case involving the death of a child. Pembleton and Bayliss' investigation of Dr. Turner's pract

Diffusion originale : 20 mars 1998

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Diffusion française : 20 mars 1998
Réalisat.eur.rice.s : Alan Taylor
Scénariste.s : Eric Overmyer
Guest.s : Alfre Woodard , Bonnie Webster , Christopher Kadish , E. Dawn Samuel , Geoff Wilner , Kathryn Kelley , Paula Gruskiewicz , Rick Warner

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