Image illustrative de Homicide: Life On The Street
Image illustrative de Homicide: Life On The Street

Homicide: Life On The Street


Suivez les enquêtes d'un réalisme saisissant de la Brigade Criminelle de Baltimore... Une des meilleures séries policières des années 90, elle raconte l'histoire des inspecteurs de la Brigade Criminelle de Baltimore qui bossent pour boucler leurs enquêtes même si, comme dans la réalité, ils n'y arrivent pas ...

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Terminée Américaine 45 minutes
Policier, Drama NBC, Série Club 1993

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Image illustrative de l'épisode 6.17 - Abduction


A four-year-old boy is abducted while riding a merry-go-round in the park under the supervision of his mother. The Homicide unit, which helps in the investigation of all child abductions, is called in and Falsone is the primary. When the boy's father has an alibi that checks out, the detectives beginning to check on known pedophiles and later they receive a call from the possible kidnapper. When that doesn't pan out, they start over. The host of a nationwide television program, This Weeks Wanted, suggests that they hypnotize the little girl who was riding on the horse next to the boy. Hypnosis reveals a partial plate number and that leads to a lucky break. Ballard and Stivers discuss motherhood and Falsone checks on his son.

Diffusion originale : 27 mars 1998

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Diffusion française : 27 mars 1998
Réalisat.eur.rice.s : Kenneth Fink
Scénariste.s : Anya Epstein , Julie Martin
Guest.s : Amelia Campbell , Andrea Hatfield , Bray Poor , Elizabeth Marvel , Eric Lucas , Lauren Hulsey , Michael Ornstein , Prudence Barry , Ray Anthony Thomas , Robert John Burke

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