Jekyll and Hyde
Dans le Londres des années 1930, Robert Jekyll, petit-fils du célèbre docteur Henry Jekyll, enquête sur ses origines et sa véritable identité. Il découvre que l'histoire de sa famille est "maudite". Son voyage va le mener aux limites de son propre alter ego, qui semble capable de tout. Tandis que des forces ...
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Terminée | Anglaise | 60 minutes |
Action, Aventure, Drame, Adventure, Drama | ITV | 2015 |
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1.07 -
The Reaper (2)
The Reaper (2)
Part two of two. Robert goes in search of his former ally, the vigilante Spring Heeled Jack, and the mysterious parasite that has taken control of him. However, the creature abandons its host and take over Ravi, who now faces either a painful death when it is finished with him or being killed by MIO agents in an attempt to destroy the infection. Robert tries to find a way to save his brother, while also using the parasite as bait to lure Bulstrode into a trap and rid himself of MIO once and for all.
Diffusion originale : 13 décembre 2015
Diffusion française :
13 décembre 2015
Réalisat.eur.rice.s :
Stewart Svaasand
Scénariste.s :
Simon J Ashford
Guest.s :