Dans le quartier fictif de Chatsworth Estate, dans la banlieue de Manchester, une famille de six enfants vit et survit sous la férule du père, Frank Gallagher. Ce dernier est sans emploi, alcoolique, égoïste et permet à la famille de vivre grâce à une seule source de revenus : le mandat postal hebdomadaire des ...
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Terminée | Anglaise | 50 minutes |
Comédie dramatique, Comedy, Drama | Channel 4 | 2004 |
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8.18 -
Frank In The Frame
Frank In The Frame
There's uproar in The Jockey when Frank pockets Cynthia's scratch card. And when Cynthia is assaulted, Frank becomes the prime suspect. Carl kicks off against the accusers, but Kelly shows Carl CCTV footage of Frank near the crime scene. Frank remembers nothing but scratch marks on his chest tell a different story. While Frank hands himself in, a distressed Carl seeks to prove his dad's innocence and phones Kev Ball, who returns to the Chatsworth like a knight in shining armour. New video footage jogs Frank's memory, but puts him in a stickier situation. Can a deal be made with gangster Growbag Macready? Frank's fate rests in his hands. Meanwhile, Mickey moves into the Jockey after a disagreement with Mimi, and Marty's presence continues to cause trouble between Shane and Kelly.
Diffusion originale : 27 septembre 2011
Diffusion française :
27 septembre 2011
Réalisat.eur.rice.s :
Gordon Anderson
Scénariste.s :
Paul Abbott
Guest.s :