Image illustrative de St. Elsewhere
Image illustrative de St. Elsewhere

St. Elsewhere

St. Eligius Hospital in South Boston was not exactly the world's best health care center. Despite its flaws, it featured some of the most caring doctors and nurses you could ever meet. Led by Dr. Donald Westphall (and later by Dr. John Gideon), the hospital nicknamed "St. Elsewhere" became a sanctuary for the underdog ...

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Terminée Américaine 45 minutes
Drame, Médical, Drama NBC, Téva 1982

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1.09 - Rain


Morrison regrets making a couple of house calls for an insistent old man; Fiscus has another run-in with a gang member; Ralph takes up eating garbage; White's daughter eats some mothballs; and Dr. Craig bawls Ehrlich out for spraining his little finger.

Diffusion originale : 04 janvier 1983

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Diffusion française : 04 janvier 1983
Réalisat.eur.rice.s : John Falsey , Joshua Brand , Tom Fontana , Victor Hsu
Scénariste.s : Tom Fontana
Guest.s : Barbara Perry , Billy Ray Sharkey , George Morfogen , Nora Ekserjan , Ray Liotta

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