Image illustrative de St. Elsewhere
Image illustrative de St. Elsewhere

St. Elsewhere

St. Eligius Hospital in South Boston was not exactly the world's best health care center. Despite its flaws, it featured some of the most caring doctors and nurses you could ever meet. Led by Dr. Donald Westphall (and later by Dr. John Gideon), the hospital nicknamed "St. Elsewhere" became a sanctuary for the underdog ...

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Terminée Américaine 45 minutes
Drame, Médical, Drama NBC, Téva 1982

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2.20 - Cramming


Ehrlich tries to deal with his Aunt Charice and her romantic designs on Dr. Westphall as he crams for the National Boards; a stressed-out Armstrong makes a tragic misdiagnosis; White chooses to take a polygraph test before his trial begins; Shirley tells Cathy that she ""asked for it"", and Cathy's past is used to decimate her on the witness stand.

Diffusion originale : 02 mai 1984

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Diffusion française : 02 mai 1984
Réalisat.eur.rice.s :
Scénariste.s :
Guest.s : Conrad Janis , Lewis Arquette , Louise Lasser , Michael Ensign , Pat McNamara , Paul Sand , Robert Rothwell , Starletta DuPois , Will Jeffries

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