Tangle is an Australian drama series for the Showcase subscription television channel. It revolves around the intertwined lives of the Kovac and Williams families and their network of friends and extended family. TANGLE is about two generations of two families colliding, connecting... sometimes at cross-purposes as ...
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Terminée | Australienne | 60 minutes |
Drame, Drama | Showcase (Australia), Showcase (AU) | 2009 |
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1.09 - Episode 9
Episode 9
Tim finds out through Em that Vince's shady dealings will compromise him politically and could destroy his career. With his marriage on the line, Vince struggles to manage his family, ignoring Tim's desire for confrontation. Nat finally elicits Tim's confession that he’s still attracted to her. As the tension mounts between Max, Charlotte and Romeo, all the teenagers are involved in a car accident.
Diffusion originale : 19 novembre 2009
Diffusion française :
19 novembre 2009
Réalisat.eur.rice.s :
Stuart McDonald
Scénariste.s :
Fiona Seres
Guest.s :