Image illustrative de The Almighty Johnsons
Image illustrative de The Almighty Johnsons

The Almighty Johnsons

The Almighty Johnsons is a comedy-drama series about four brothers, raised in heartland New Zealand, who also happen to be the living incarnations of Norse Gods. They even have their own super-God-powers. Sort of - it's just that their powers aren't actually all that powerful. Well, not yet - but that could all change ...

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Terminée Néo-zélandaise 45 minutes
Comédie dramatique, Fantastique, Comedy, Drama, Fantasy TV3, TV3 (NZ) 2011

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Image illustrative de l'épisode 1.04 - You Gotta Love Life, Babe

You Gotta Love Life, Babe

Sometimes the line between doing the honourable thing and doing the easy thing, can get very blurred - especially when it comes to Gods and their offspring.

Diffusion originale : 28 février 2011

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Diffusion française : 28 février 2011
Réalisat.eur.rice.s : Murray Keane
Scénariste.s : Rachel Lang
Guest.s :

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