Image illustrative de The Assets
Image illustrative de The Assets

The Assets

Deux agents de la CIA traquent l'un des plus célèbres traîtres de l'Histoire des Etats-Unis en 1985.

Terminée Américaine 45 minutes
Thriller, Mini-Series ABC, ABC (US) 2014

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Image illustrative de l'épisode 1.08 - Avenger


In the series finale, despite the task force being fully convinced of Ames' guilt, Sandy seeks more definitive proof to convince the Justice Department to proceed with their own investigation. As the hunt closes in on Ames, Sandy's commitment to the job pushes her husband's patience and commitment to the brink. After Ames is finally caught and brought to justice, he mulls over a major decision--to go down defiantly or to confess and protect his wife and child.

Diffusion originale : 03 août 2014

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Diffusion française : 03 août 2014
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