Image illustrative de The Drew Carey Show
Image illustrative de The Drew Carey Show

The Drew Carey Show

This long-running sitcom stars comedian Drew Carey as a sort of blue-collar everyman. The show chronicles Drew's working life, the ups and downs of his romances and his strong relationship with his long-time friends Lewis, Oswald and Kate.

Terminée Américaine 25 minutes
Comédie, Comedy ABC (US), Comédie! 1995

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8.16 - Suddenly No Summer

Suddenly No Summer

Drew tries to improve his standing at work by taking a computer course over the summer. The gang tempts him into blowing it off to take a trip to Florida. Drew is wracked with guilt and his vacation, not surprisingly, turns out to be a disaster.

Diffusion originale : 25 juin 2003

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Diffusion française : 25 juin 2003
Réalisat.eur.rice.s : Sam Simon
Scénariste.s : Ed Lee , Les Firestein
Guest.s : Antares Davis

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