Image illustrative de The King of Queens
Image illustrative de The King of Queens

The King of Queens

Un gars du Queens

Doug Heffernan, chauffeur-livreur, et son épouse Carrie, secrétaire dans un cabinet d'avocats, mènent une vie paisible dans le Queens (quartier de New York) jusqu'au jour où l'excentrique père de Carrie vient s'installer chez eux…

Terminée Américaine 25 minutes
Comédie, Comedy CBS, Comédie! 1998

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Image illustrative de l'épisode 4.01 - Walk, Man

Walk, Man

The Heffernans are again thinking about getting pregnant, just four months after Carrie's miscarriage. But there's one problem: Arthur. Now that his last friend from the senior center has moved away, Arthur naps all day. By the time Doug and Carrie get home, Arthur is full of energy and has no one but them to unleash it on. Quality time alone for the couple is impossible. That is, until Doug hires an attractive dog walker to occupy an unsuspecting Arthur: she takes him for a stroll three times a week, under the guise that she's a student interested in learning about his World War II experiences

Diffusion originale : 24 septembre 2001

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Diffusion française : 24 septembre 2001
Réalisat.eur.rice.s : Rob Schiller
Scénariste.s : Michael J. Weithorn
Guest.s :

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