Image illustrative de The King of Queens
Image illustrative de The King of Queens

The King of Queens

Un gars du Queens

Doug Heffernan, chauffeur-livreur, et son épouse Carrie, secrétaire dans un cabinet d'avocats, mènent une vie paisible dans le Queens (quartier de New York) jusqu'au jour où l'excentrique père de Carrie vient s'installer chez eux…

Terminée Américaine 25 minutes
Comédie, Comedy CBS, Comédie! 1998

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Image illustrative de l'épisode 4.22 - Patrons Ain't

Patrons Ain't

Carrie and Doug begin preparing for tax time and realize that their charitable giving leaves a little to be desired. In an effort to get out of feeling guilty and to make amends for what they see as "selfish living" in the past year, they decide to make a donation to the local kid's library at Deacon's son's school. However, Carrie's charitable spirit starts to be about recognition rather than the actual joy of giving. When the administration mistakenly thinks the Heffernans gave $500 rather than $50, Doug and Carrie scramble to keep the recognition without having to pay the price.

Diffusion originale : 06 mai 2002

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Diffusion française : 06 mai 2002
Réalisat.eur.rice.s : James Widdoes
Scénariste.s : Ilana Wernick
Guest.s : Marla Gibbs , Nick Toth , Timmy Deters , Nick Benson , Nina Weithorn

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