Image illustrative de The King of Queens
Image illustrative de The King of Queens

The King of Queens

Un gars du Queens

Doug Heffernan, chauffeur-livreur, et son épouse Carrie, secrétaire dans un cabinet d'avocats, mènent une vie paisible dans le Queens (quartier de New York) jusqu'au jour où l'excentrique père de Carrie vient s'installer chez eux…

Terminée Américaine 25 minutes
Comédie, Comedy CBS, Comédie! 1998

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Image illustrative de l'épisode 4.06 - Ticker Treat

Ticker Treat

Doug decides to buy a pumpkin to get into the Halloween spirit, but as soon as Arthur sees it, he smashes it and banishes the celebration of Halloween. Doug, frustrated by Arthur "forbidding" things, takes it upon himself to go all out with decorations and ends up scaring Arthur so badly that he nearly has a heart attack and ends up in the hospital. When Doug finds out about Arthur's traumatic childhood and the reasons why he hates Halloween, he feels guilty for what he has done and tries to make it up to him by driving around town, looking for Arthur's favorite childhood treat. Deacon, on the other hand, is determined to find his son Kirby a superhero costume, but is frustrated because there aren't any black superheroes. Deacon resigns himself to the fact that Kirby is gay because he turns down the Darth Vader costume so he can be a Power Puff Girl.

Diffusion originale : 29 octobre 2001

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Diffusion française : 29 octobre 2001
Réalisat.eur.rice.s : James Widdoes
Scénariste.s : David Bickel
Guest.s : Randy Kovitz , Robert Catrini , Diane Mizota , Frankie Ryan

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