Image illustrative de The Slap (US)
Image illustrative de The Slap (US)

The Slap (US)

"The Slap" is a complex family drama that explodes from one small incident where a man slaps another couple's misbehaving child. This seemingly minor domestic dispute pulls the family apart, begins to expose long-held secrets, and ignites a lawsuit that challenges the core American values of all who are pulled into it.

Terminée Américaine 45 minutes
Drame, Mini-série, Drama, Mini-Series NBC 2015

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Image illustrative de l'épisode 1.06 - Aisha


Following Aisha's emotional business trip, Hector surprises her with a romantic getaway during which each of their secrets is finally revealed.

Diffusion originale : 19 mars 2015

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Diffusion française : 19 mars 2015
Réalisat.eur.rice.s :
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