Image illustrative de Tina & Bobby
Image illustrative de Tina & Bobby

Tina & Bobby

A three-part drama about England and West Ham footballer Bobby Moore and his first wife Tina.

Terminée Anglaise 45 minutes
Drame, Drama, Mini-Series ITV 2017

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Image illustrative de l'épisode 1.01 - Episode 1

Episode 1

When Tina Dean (Michelle Keegan) meets Bobby Moore (Lorne MacFadyen) it's love at first sight, and Tina abandons her career to marry him. Although she struggles as a housewife, Bobby's star ascends as he becomes England captain, and when Tina falls pregnant their future looks bright…until Bobby is diagnosed with testicular cancer. Sworn to secrecy, Tina shoulders the burden of his illness alone and proves herself his rock, and the birth of baby Roberta consolidates their bond. Bobby resumes playing, but he and Tina clash when Bobby jeopardises his World Cup prospects. A contrite Bobby backs down, promising Tina that everything will get back to normal after the World Cup…

Diffusion originale : 13 janvier 2017

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Diffusion française : 13 janvier 2017
Réalisat.eur.rice.s :
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