Image illustrative de Tina & Bobby
Image illustrative de Tina & Bobby

Tina & Bobby

A three-part drama about England and West Ham footballer Bobby Moore and his first wife Tina.

Terminée Anglaise 45 minutes
Drame, Drama, Mini-Series ITV 2017

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1.03 - Episode 3

Episode 3

Tina (Michelle Keegan) and Bobby (Lorne MacFadyen) try to escape their marriage troubles by investing in their future but a disastrous business venture mires them in debt just as Bobby's playing career wanes. Tina starts working and Bobby winds up managing a lowly non-league side. Tina dismisses rumours he's having an affair, until her worst fears are confirmed. Tina tries to win Bobby back but when he confesses to loving the other woman her world collapses. The marriage ends with Bobby giving her everything, and Tina cathartically sells it all before making a fresh start. They meet for the last time by chance, their love undiminished by the passage of time…

Diffusion originale : 27 janvier 2017

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Diffusion française : 27 janvier 2017
Réalisat.eur.rice.s :
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