Image illustrative de Beavis and Butt-Head
Image illustrative de Beavis and Butt-Head

Beavis and Butt-Head

Beavis et Butt-Head

La série tire son nom des deux protagonistes qu'elle met en scène : Beavis, le blond portant son inamovible t-shirt Metallica et Butt-Head (en anglais « Tête de noeud »), le brun à l'appareil dentaire et au t-shirt d'AC/DC. L'action se situe dans la ville fictive d'Highland, au Texas ou au ...

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Terminée Américaine 15 minutes
Animation, Comedy MTV (US), MTV 1992

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Avis sur la saison 4

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Liste des épisodes

Episode 4.01
Wall of Youth
Episode 4.02
Cow Tipping
Episode 4.03
Trouble Urinating
Episode 4.04
Rabies Scare
Episode 4.05
They're Coming to Take Me Away, Huh Huh
Episode 4.07
Pumping Iron
Episode 4.08
Let's Clean It Up
Episode 4.09
Episode 4.10
Water Safety
Episode 4.11
Episode 4.12
Late Night With Butt-head
Episode 4.13
The Final Judgment of Beavis
Episode 4.14
Pool Toys
Episode 4.15
Madame Blavatsky
Episode 4.16
Beavis and Butt-head's Island
Episode 4.17
Figure Drawing
Episode 4.18
Date Bait
Episode 4.19
Butt is it Art?
Episode 4.20
Right On
Episode 4.21
Manners Suck
Episode 4.22
The Pipe of Doom
Episode 4.23
Safe Driving
Episode 4.24
Mr. Anderson's Balls
Episode 4.25
Patients Patients
Episode 4.26
Teen Talk
Episode 4.27
Crisis Line
Episode 4.28
Beavis and Butt-head vs. The Vending Machine
Episode 4.29
Generation In Crisis
Episode 4.30
Radio Sweethearts
Episode 4.31
The Great Cornholio
Episode 4.32
Liar! Liar!